The Town of Pepperell, Massachusetts

Property Assessment Data

The following parcel data is being provided as a service to the residents and taxpayers of Pepperell, Massachusetts.
The Pepperell Assessors Office is located at 1 Main St, Pepperell, MA 01463.

Real Estate and Personal Property Abatement Applications will begin being accepted on January 2nd, 2024. You may drop off your application in person at the Town Hall, send it via US mail, send it via email to, fax to 978-433-0338, or by using the drop box by the door at the front of Town Hall. To use the drop box, please place your application in an envelope and indicate it is for the Assessors' Office. Applications are due by February 1st, 2024

If you need to talk to the Assessor in person about your assessment, please call to make an appointment at 978-433-0322.

Please note that any recent data updates and new construction made in our live office database may not be reflected in this online database until the next annual update. All information and data displayed is for assessment purposes only and is not guaranteed or warranted. Please click on the link below to our town website for more information.

Annual update date: FY2024 data as of December 11, 2023.

FY2024 tax rate is $14.35.

Maureen Bolger, Assessor & Associate

Jonathan Blouin, Assessor Assistant

Marcia Scofield, Chairperson

Anita Mc Hugh, Associate